Protein Shakes We have all wanted or needed to use them at times, right? But when you are Gluten-Free, especially Gluten-Free Vegitarian or Vegan it gets more complicated. When you get to the shelf of Protein shakes, most are not going to be usable. Of the short list left, most are going to be HORRIBLE. Sorry, it is true. When I went from "somewhat gluten intolerant" to "Unable to eat Gluten" this past year I found out by becoming VERY ILL, and it took a couple months to figure out what was going on. During that time, I stopped eating, and lost a large amount of muscle. My doctors have now told me to increase my protein intake to quite a bit more than the normal daily amount to help my nutrition recover as I try to regain as much of my strength as possible. Since I spend a large amount of time in a wheelchair, I do not want high calorie intake, and do not have a large appetite. I reintroduced eggs and some dairy and fish to my diet, leaving vegan to go more ovo-lacto vegitarian. But I still could not get my protein anywhere close to what the Doctor wanted it. So I decided to add protein shakes one or two times a day made with soy milk. The first few I tried were TERRIBLE.

I am still trying to figure out how to use the powder cooked into something so I don't waste it but don't have to taste it either. I found one I liked from Aloha, but the day I went to order it, they had recalled all their protein products the day before for some kind of contaminant (will still try this one once the problem is solved again). But in the mean time, I struck Gold. My sister grabbed Naturade Vegan Smart Vanilla All-In-One Nutritional Shake for me to try. It is Non-GMO Gluten Free with 20g of Protein to 160 cal. 15 servings for $24 is average for protein shakes, and when I mix it with my Silk Soy milk it makes it 28g of Protein. That gives me the boost I need for the day, and it tastes good! Even better when it is mixed with just a couple pieces of fruit

I don't get a thing, even a coupon for promoting any brand or kind of anything on this page, I just am sharing my opinion to help others hopefully not make some of the mistakes I have made. You know, like eat Pure Pea protein shakes. UGH.
I'm so excited that you found this new protein shake mix! I'm hoping you find a couple of others so that you will have a variety. I am finding out that when I'm not with you and I 'cheat' a little..(as I have it in my mind that "I'm NOT gluten intolerant, I just follow that diet because I know it is healthier and to not be a stumbling block for you"... that my body now rebels and I am physically in trouble for a couple of days :( !! (ie: stomach aches, bowel issues, gas, etc..not fun!) And so, I, too need to raise my protein w/o adding anything gluten. Anyone reading the latest info on what Round-up Ready crops are and what Monsanto and the other chemical companies have done to our crops will understand why everyone should be on a gluten-free, organic, whole-foods diet! Thank you for having this blog and sharing the info as you find it.